Unraveling the Mysteries: 10 Hidden Gems in the Warcraft Universe

In this vast universe of video games, an iconic name that has stood the test of time is the Warcraft series. Having birthed a cult following globally, this legendary franchise offers a richly detailed and expansive world that continues to fascinate its fans. Here are ten intriguing facts about the Warcraft series of games that you might not know.
1. The Craft Behind 'Warcraft'
Warcraft's original concept significantly differed from what we know today. Initially planned as a strategy game based on Warhammer Fantasy, it eventually evolved into its own unique identity due to licensing issues, giving us the beloved universe we know and love.
2. A Coincidental Discovery
The discovery of Pandarens - one of the most loved races in World of Warcraft (WoW) - was unintentional! This race was initially created as an April Fool's joke by Samwise Didier but later became an integral part of WoW lore due to overwhelming fan response.
3. Literary Influences
The creators drew inspiration from various literature sources while creating Warcraft lore. References to authors like H.P Lovecraft and J.R.R Tolkien are abundant throughout the game series, enriching its mythos with elements from epic fantasy narratives.
4. A Language All Its Own
The Warcraft universe is comprehensive; it has its language! Thalassian, spoken by High Elves and Blood Elves, is a fully developed language with grammar rules and vocabulary – another testament to Blizzard's attention to detail.
5. Unreleased Adventures
A point-and-click adventure game called "Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans" was developed but never released. This game focused on Thrall's backstory and was eventually transformed into a novel by Christie Golden.
6. Pop Culture References
The Warcraft series is known for its pop culture references. From Indiana Jones to Star Trek, players can find numerous nods to popular films, books, and TV shows scattered throughout the world of Azeroth.
7. Unforeseen Popularity
World of Warcraft's popularity surprised even its creators. Blizzard had initially produced only 250,000 copies for the launch, but it sold out almost instantly, leading to server crashes due to unexpected demand.
8. A Guinness World Record
In 2009, WoW made it into the Guinness Book of World Records as the most popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) by subscribers, with a peak count of over 12 million subscribers.
9. The Real Gold Mine
At one point in time, the gold in WoW was worth more than Venezuela's real-world currency! In 2018, when comparing WoW tokens (which can be bought with gold) to Venezuela's bolívar, the fictional currency had a higher value.
10. A Decade-Long Feud Resolved
A long-standing feud between two characters - Mankrik and his wife - has been a constant source of intrigue among players. After nearly a decade since her demise in Warcraft II, Mankrik's wife was finally given a proper burial site in the Cataclysm expansion pack.
In conclusion, these fascinating facts underscore just how expansive and intricate the Warcraft universe truly is – filled with easter eggs and rich in history. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the franchise, there's always something more to learn and discover in this endlessly captivating world.