Unraveling the Mysteries of Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree: A Comprehensive Guide to the Finger Ruins of Dheo

In the expansive world of Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, countless hidden locations offer unique challenges and rewards. One such enigmatic location is the Finger Ruins of Dheo. Situated in the far eastern point of the Shadow Realm's map, these ruins are a crucial part of Ymir's Ruins Map quest. This article provides a detailed guide to help you navigate this mystical area, unlock its secrets, and claim the hidden items.
Prerequisites and Initial Steps
To begin your journey to the Finger Ruins of Dheo, locate the Shadow Keep's Back Gate and acquire the O Mother Gesture emote from Bonny Village, which you might encounter while heading east of the Shadow Keep. If you still need to find the Shadow Keep's Back Gate, follow these steps: 1. Head to the Site of Grace 'Shadow Keep, Back Gate.' 2. Enter the room on your right to collect the Scadutree Fragment at the large statue's bottom. 3. You'll find a small white tablet on the floor that reads: "Have mercy. For the spirited-away shamans".
Unlocking the Hidden Passage
The cryptic message on the tablet indicates that you must perform the O Mother gesture in front of the statue. Doing so will cause the statue to move aside, revealing a hidden passage. Proceed through this new entrance and rest outside the Site of Grace 'Hinterland.'
Facing the Tree Sentinels
As you move into this area, you'll have the option to summon Spirit Ashes, a useful feature given that you'll soon face two Tree Sentinels. One Sentinel patrols the cliff road below, while the other will charge at you from around the corner. It is advisable to summon your Spirit Ashes immediately to make the battle easier. You don't have to fight both Sentinels simultaneously; you can engage them one at a time by staying away from the Sentinel further down the road. Alternatively, you can avoid them entirely, though battling them might remind you of similar encounters in Elden Ring's base game.
Continuing the Journey
After dealing with the Tree Sentinels, proceed over the bridge, activating the Site of Grace 'Hinterland Bridge' as you go. Follow the road southeast, but be cautious of snake-worm enemies curled in circles along the path. Sticking to the main route will save you time, as there's little to discover in the surrounding cliffs.
Approaching the Finger Ruins
Eventually, you'll reach another Site of Grace 'Fingerstone Hill' near a purple meteor site. Approaching this area will trigger a fight with a Fallingstar Beast, reminiscent of a boss battle in the base game. Defeating it will reward you with 170,000 Runes and a new Sorcery spell called Gravitational Missile. Continue heading south towards the Finger Ruins of Dheo. The increasing fog will necessitate a lantern or torch to guide your way. Be mindful of the spider hands and magical snake-worms patrolling the area as you near the ruins.
Collecting the Cerulean Seed Talisman +1
In the main part of the Finger Ruins, you can obtain the Cerulean Seed Talisman +1, which significantly boosts FP restoration from your Flash of Cerulean Tears. To get it, approach and interact with the Hanging Bell in the center of the ruins.
Finding the Remembrance Duplication Coffin
Like in the Finger Ruins of Rhia, the Dheo Ruins offer a location to duplicate boss Remembrances. With only three duplication sites in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, choose wisely when using them. Unlike Rhia, the stone coffin in Dheo is located slightly north of the ruins. It's best approached from the Site of Grace 'Fingerstone Hill', as it lies directly east. You'll need to drop down multiple cliff levels to reach it, and take care of nearby spider hands before interacting with the coffin. With the Finger Ruins of Dheo explored you can now return to the broader Hinterland region of Scaduview and report your findings to Ymir at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. This concludes your adventure in this mysterious part of the Shadow Realm.